Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

great news, thank you, always loathed the existence of that part of eroscripts. calling this ban a “violation of free speech” or “limitation of artistic expression” is… imma just call it funny at best.


Generally i think this is a mistake. I don’t condone any censorship in regards to fictional content no matter what it may be. We need all the crazy shit we can get. else the world is just too boring.

said like a truely coomer brain :confetti_ball:

just stopped my patreon, such disappointment.


Removing this kind of content can only be a positive thing for the community as a whole in my opinion; I fully support the decision.

I enjoy this community and appreciate its existence, I’d hate to see it threatened over a kind of content I personally don’t, and I imagine most users don’t consume.

Here is the simple truth though- if this community were to be gone, that would suck but I would still script for myself. I mostly script for myself in the first place. I’ve only shared a small fraction here of what I’ve scripted for myself. Not because I don’t want to share, but because it is time-consuming and a potential risk for myself, because this kind of site is an inherently risky thing without being associated with the kind of content in question. It is most especially risky for scripters sharing their content, and even more so for the site owner(s). If this place becomes too risky, as a scripter, it ultimately wouldn’t affect me greatly if I were to have to leave.

I think this is unequivocally the right call.


THIS!!! Pretty much why I have been reluctant to feature my content here, I really do not want to be int he same boat…


It is valid, I have a twinge of anxiety anytime I share something. You never know what can happen.

To clarify, this decision was made as risk mitigation, not out of personal distaste


to be quite honest, having the presence of such content in mind, i’m really surprised this site is currently findable with search engines.

God damm waking up to the Loli Exodus man. I mean, I get it that the mods were a bit pressured to do something when so often a civil war breaks out under Loli Taged Scripts. But after the Long discussion and Poll for not banning Loli or anything that’s not vanilla. I Just hoped the Mods would stay their grounds and just moderate the tag a bit more strictly. So also not a Fan of this decision, which was a huge letdown personally.

Ok I get it, The reports were massive. Especially the File hosts reports that were no coincidence, I guess. Hope the Site will allow other methods, like linking to Fatina as @shbek thought of it as a solution.


What the hell, man.

And to all the people shrugging or straight up approving of the change because it doesn’t affect stuff YOU like and because loli makes you “uncomfortable” I genuinely hope they they come for furry, beastiality or futa stuff next then and see how you react.

This is super disheartening. I thought this community was different but it seems the Twitter brainrot made it here in the end.


I firmly believe that there is enough inconsistency in both legality and enforcement internationally, intranationally, and local to raise concerns about hosting this type of content.

I have an acquaintance who believed that national law made it legal for them to possess lolicon. However, they were still arrested and charged under local law for both possession and distribution (they shared content online). Their case is still pending, but their divorce is final, their visitation rights to their children are severely restricted, they lost their job, and is a pariah in their community.

Do your own risk analysis, but those consequences seem pretty major to me. Then try to balance the risk vs reward. IMHO, for the site, that seems heavy on the risk and light on reward.


Easy to say if your skin isn’t in the game…

People always seem to only want to take, and once something does not go the way they like, whether it’s their personal preferences or their tastes being attacked in any way, it feels like the end of the world. They think the ‘deep state’ is coming for them, and they feel punished for having a different taste than everyone else.

Although some may disagree, it’s important to acknowledge that the content in question may violate the laws in certain jurisdictions. While it’s tempting to criticize this decision, it’s crucial to remember that freedom of speech is limited by the law.

I’ve seen a few comments comparing this to the book 1984, really? Is that something folks have picked up somewhere without actually reading the book?

Honestly, this decision might even be too late, as many creators I know have hesitated to publish here. It will take a while for the site to overcome the stigma it has developed from featuring this kind of content for a long time. Whenever Eroscripts was discussed on forums or Discords, the conversation often turned to this topic, causing people to not even want to have an account here.

Furthermore, wishing for the removal of other types of content out of sheer hate for this decision is just petty. Most of the content mentioned in those “get 'em next” posts remains within legal limits in most parts of the world. Unlike what is discussed here right now…


Pretty damn sure it was meant half jokingly. You don,t believe people TRULY, 100% think this is like 1984, do you?

Good. The people being “gatekept” out of a porn forum by a certain type of content you can MUTE are nothing but trouble anyway.

Oh? Like saying “Good because it always made me uncomfortable to see posts about this type of content” when one is banned?

Beasyiality is not legal anywhere I’m sure also.


Didn’t think this one through, huh?


The content is ethically/legally dubious at best. If it’s the entire community dies and ALL the work burns… or ban it… then it’s an obvious choice IMO. It’s not “1984” it’s a website trying to stay out from in front of the guns of regulation and commerce. Asking website runners to possibly face legal repercussions or lose a passion project over your taste in porn is a really weird take.


No actually; judging by your quick reply and what you replied I did think it through…


pixiv exists


Not really Bestiality is Illegal in most parts of the World and even Gay or Trans are baned in some Countrys.

The important thing is that if the site decide to host this stuff, You are responsible for why your here scrolling around, not the site. Use a VPN, or it is Your risk to take. There a countless site like Pixiv that don’t care about the law in your Country.

lol same thought XD


FUCK! iPad……fucking shit
YES! I had a long response but it was deleted somehow……
In short….the mods have a right to do as they choose. I 100% DISAGREE WITH MOST CENSORSHIP, but if they feel concerned about losing ANYTHING at all in life from being wrapped up in POTENTIAL legal issues, and possibly losing lots in life, job, family, standing, etc., then they can do as they seem necessary for self-preservation.
If the ban Futa next….I’ll be sad, but I will continue on, appreciative of the years I spent here, believing I made the community better, nicer, sweeter, and thankful for the relationships and friendships I’ve gotten from ES.



Not my point, the point being: If you would own the the site and you live in a region where this kind of content is illegal, YOU will be responsible for it. So what ever the reason was for this decision, people can bitch and moan about it, yes I do think this kind of content is really fucking disturbing, and I say that as someone who does enjoy the outer fringes of legal porn out there, however there must be limits to it all…

But yeah you are totally right in the I do not need to scroll around here point, but as said, people complaining and wishing other types of content the same fate because they are pissed, that is just not something I can read and not say something to it.


Agreed its sad that just because the site gets more traffic we have to move kink stuff somewere else. But I get it that the Mods had do to do it if the site could be baned for it.

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Another successful day for censorship enthusiasts and anti freedom-of-speech activists.