Uptick in paid posters?

Just nah. Terrible. Discusting. I see enough ads.


Wait why would they want to stay under the radar? Wouldnt that make them less sales?

I feel like having a preview gif or a thumbnail sheet should be mansitory.

Idk, but this other guy in the thread tried to explain to me that not telling people what you’re selling is a sales tactic :person_shrugging:

I would honestly expect that hiding details and such means less money for them and so they try to change things up or well…just decide there’s not enough money for them to continue. You can also set certain users to be completely hidden from view if you wish to however that can result in missing out on topics they make and posts they make later on unless you remove them from the list. (Found here: https://discuss.eroscripts.com/u/[REPLACE WITH YOUR USERNAME]/preferences/users )

Yeah, but in your example they give fania links and that just isnt enough. Also that sales tactic is a tactic for people who don’t know how to make good products, are trying to hide stuff or is not confident in their work for the price they are setting.

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For paid scripts, I think preview gifs or videos, heatmaps, and test reports are all necessary. If I publish a sloppy paid work, I think I will feel ashamed.


What about adding a rating system for paid scripts? Sure comments work, but 90% of users just lurk and are more likely to rate something.


As a scripter the most valuable thing is feedback. adding rating system I think would be a good way to give a scripter a gauge on the script. Written stuff is worth more but yeah no one really provides that kind of feedback. I think the only real time I got feedback on paid script I made was when I messed up the editing on it. But it was only once


Paid scripts will exists until its faster to generate them with better AI. It takes insanely long to script a 40 minute plus script especially 8K vids where the arrows are slowed down even with motion detection and dynamic injection for invisible action. I wont buy paid scripts anymore as they pose several problems. I can not complain about them being bad as I would ruin the scripters income. Sometimes the endpoints are so off or we have a rattle artist that it would have to redo the whole script. So yes a rating system would force paid scripters to script better or be out. I can not script paid scripts myself as a free script would also invalidate the paid one so they are off of free forever. The transaction is fixed for ten years and sometimes gives away your identity. For most of us this is still a secret hobby. On the other hand I am not ok to spend so much time on scripts but not getting the movies scripted I like in return. I am trying to free up scripts if requests are fulfilled. Not working for now. So my scripts will remain locked down I guess from now on. Request fulfillment for locked down scripts would be the best way however. Scripts would be out for free and editable and would make more people script. No money involved with all its backdraws.

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Your scripts are my faves for the time being. Once I configured the settings to how you intended them to be, I’ve been enjoying them way more. In terms of realism, your multi-axis scripts match whats on the screen (no insult intended for other paid scripters here).

So far, your aerith and tifa scripts are my faves.

But yeah, I agree on having heatmaps, gifs and description regarding scripting process (frame-by-frame or AI generated then adjusted by hand).

omg theres plugins?! Oh its for the site devs. I was looking for a way to add analytics to my own posts at one point. I couldnt find anything that could be done locally. Have you seen anything or a way to do this?

The income of the scripter is irrelevant.
If they want to make money they should and must offer something people want to pay for.

If they dont want a bad review then they should release a bad product or service

The fact that the script is free is not an excuse for incompetence

When there is no feedback, when the population cant take criticism. You end up with absolute trash because no one knows whether what they’re doing is good and accurate or poor and wrong.

In this very specific instance there is kind of an asterisk. Once a male releases they don’t really give a fuck about whatever it was that got them to that point. So expecting us to go back and comment and give advice is a large thing to ask. This is engrained within us, it is inherent and immovable. I dont really think there is anything anyone can do about that. Unless they can change thousands of years of biology…

Stop worrying about peoples feelings so much. You’re actually hurting them by doing so. Make them defensive, mad, upset, tell them they suck. Shame is good for society. It sucks at face value, but shame actually is what guide us.

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Just to add to this with limited selective data of how bad this is…

From the 4 scripts (actually 5 but I forgot to remove |attatchement bit on one) I’ve released despite them getting minimum of 810 (maybe 950 if I had to guess due to the missing one) to an maximum of 1505 (maybe 1690) of people had downloaded one of my scripts. However I only got feedback from 123 people via myself putting up a poll with a simple 5 options of trash to godlike for rating it. As a result that means roughly 8.1%-7.2% (1505-1690 maximum, median 7.65%) to 15.1%-12.9% (810-950 minimum, median 14%) come to an median of 10.8% of those people whom downloaded answered my polls …prior to adding those polls when I had only 2 scripts release I got 1 person whom left a post saying that it was good. (I think at the time the scripts had maybe 200-400 downloads which means 0.25-0.5%)

It’s insane how many people don’t leave feedback but also it helps to have an way to easily give feedback it seems too since adding the polls gave me nearly an 200% increase in feedback. So yep while an orgasm does go ahead and make it so most forget to come back and leave feedback, it also seems like some would remember to do so if there is an easier way of giving feedback…as a result I’mma re-ignite this topic once again: Note it was attempted in the past and didn’t work but maybe it will work now?

Upscale/FPS increase request topic , Video resolution mega poll and recommended multi-axis script along with single-axis script which is a Fap Hero.

This makes me want to stsrt scripting in general.

I just have no idea where to start.

I also dont really want to use old dilapidated software thats not had any updates for 5+ years… If i can help it.

OFS does not need updates really its fine.

Errrrhhhh I dunno where the mirror mode went but I liked that and used it a bit to make sure things were synced until I didn’t want to be when making changes across all scripts. Plus it isn’t without a few issues and stuff that QoL fixes could erase like most recently in my eyes was with multi-axis of where you can’t turn on and off what causes movement in the simulators nor select which controls what movement.
It does also mean that in time the program will start to break and no longer work.

Upscale/FPS increase request topic , Video resolution mega poll and recommended multi-axis script along with single-axis script which is a Fap Hero.

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There is just one single scripts quality that should be enforced by the site for free and especially for paid. It is endpoint accuracy. If the endpoints are wrong the script is garbage and it can not be fixed quickly. So if the endpoints are wrong the scripter should be sent back to scripter app.
So if posting a paid or free script besides description, preview, heatmap etc the scripter should answer the question: Are endpoints set correctly yes or no. If there is a no there I would not even bother downloading.

also there’s nothing stopping someone from creating a free script of something that already has a paid script. It’s not like that video is lost to time from then on.

A rating system would be a good way to see which paid scripts are low effort and deserve a re-script, but I think you’d want a way to verify that someone’s actually paid for the script so you don’t get voting spam.

No idea if the discourse plugin allows for something like this, but a 4 digit code required to give a rating, and that code could be given alongside the script, on the patreon post, etc.

x-axis = paid posts

bubble size = total posts

:skull: those who only post, paid posts. Realcumber :dart: