VRBangers Video Download Changes (June 2024)

Entirely possible but my guess is that they are paying out the ass for server bandwidth costs and this is their way of just making more money without having to pay more out.

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Someone on reddit adds this:


I don’t understand any of this, though.

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Go to the scene on VRBangers, open Developer Tools of your browser then go to the console tab and enter


in the command line. Then you get an expandable list of download URLs for that scene in different qualities.


shows the 8K version on the current Nicole Aniston scene. I guess on other scenes it is similar.
Copy that URL and put it in your browser or download manager and you have a perfectly fine download without their stupid app.


Interesting. I’m trying to learn here, but once I get to the console tab I don’t see where I can enter that line

At the bottom, next to the > sign.


It doesn’t allow me to paste code despite typing ‘allow pasting’


Maybe allow pasting without the quotes? I have to check. What browser ist this?


That was it, thank you! Indeed, there are 5 URL’s. I’m guessing “1” it’s the lowest resolution and “5” it’s the highest at 8K.

Since these URL only work in the case you are a member, I guess I’ll be posting them whenever I publish a VRBangers script.

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These URLs will work for everyone, but they expire after a few hours. So publishing them would probably be piracy. Better leave a guide how to obtain them.


I see, in that case I definitely won’t post them. I’m messing with things I don’t really understand so I’d better leave it at that.

But this has been a perfect case of pushing a paying customer into piracy. Great job, VRBangers!


You guys are goddamn geniuses


The no downloads thing, it’s not only about if streaming is okay for you at the moment or you can live with the download workaround it’s also about vr bangers greatly diminishing your rights as a consumer. They can at any point mess up your download workaround, make other stupid anti consumer limitations like forcing you to keep an active subscription to watch your movies or limit what you can download and how frequently, pulling scenes which will be gone forever like SLR did, etc. But they can’t do it all at once, so they chip away at your rights till it’s too late.

It’s a slippery slope and user should stand up to this anti consumer behavior before it’s to late. Before you know it we’ll have traded in all our rights like we did with streaming and games and be much worse off because of it. Porn would simply suck when we only have streaming only walled gardens. We would pay much more (if you want content from multiple sites), couldn’t use the vr players we want, have to switch between a shit load of players, wouldn’t be able to manage our own library, couldn’t make playlists and compilation of multiple studios, generate subtitles or passthrough for your own videos, permanently keep your favorites, have the best quality for the video (not capped to 30mbs, which will be a big deal once 8k+ content will become available), and on and on. Really VR bangers should be boycotted for this until they revert this decision


I see similarities with how film distributors tried to enter the digital market with digital copies of movies that could only be played in specific apps using complicated DRM systems. Needless to say, Sony, Universal and all the others failed miserably in their attempts, which opened up for iTunes, Netflix etc. to grab all the marketshares.

No user wants to be forced to use an inferior app and be plagued by complicated DRM solutions that would render a bought digital copy of a movie useless when the app stops working.


Does anybody want to help a guy obtain an 8k of Nicole Aniston’s new Vrbanger scene? Was only able to download a 4k version from their site.

You can also view the page source and find the link in there, just search for somehting like 8K and you will find it, when you copy the url make sure you also copy the cdn data (speed, date and key)

Has worked on two videos so far


Easy guide to access the download URLs:

  1. Go to the scene page you want, and right-click anywhere on the page and click ‘Inspect’.

  2. In the inspection window, at the top, click on the ‘Console’ tab. In order to paste the command here, you may have to type “allow pasting” without the quotes, and hit enter.

  3. Paste the following console command, and hit enter. __NUXT__.state.videos.video.downLoadVideoListForFront

  4. It will respond with a line that has a number, and then a bunch of ellipses (…) in brackets. Click the arrow next to it to expand it.

  5. It will show these numbered rows first, and these correspond to the various resolution files. 0 is the smallest resolution (2K), and 5 is the highest (8K). Expand the one you want, then click the 3 dots next to ‘url’ and copy that URL (without quotes). You can also click the other ones next to ‘label’, ‘quality’, and ‘size’ to show those fields.



Seems like it wouldn’t be too hard to write a Tampermonkey script to automate this in the browser.

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I must be missing something, but I don’t know why people are so upset and looking for ways around it.

Install the Play’a app.

I’m on Linux, I installed it via Steam and it works perfectly. Downloads the videos without any hassle. It’s not like SLR where you have a download quota. You’re not being prevented form downloading, just the method of how you do so. So what? Install one more program on your computer and you’re done. It seems to me like people are trying to find a solution to a problem that just doesn’t exist.

Install the app, continue to download and get over it. It’s really not worth all this hassle.

When they start charging MORE to download or some shit, then yes I’ll be right there with everyone complaining. But being directed to use an app to do a download just isn’t worth all the angst I’m seeing everywhere.

  1. It’s not what people paid for.
  2. It’s beyond a slippery slope when it comes to services vs. profits

I respectfully disagree,
You’re still getting what you paid for. You just have to jump one extra hoop to get the content. Just because the delivery method has changed, doesn’t mean you’re not getting what you paid for.

There’s no price difference (yet). Therefore it’s not a slippery slope because the financial aspect hasn’t altered. Same money, same service. No DRM. Not limited in downloads. Not limited in ways of viewing. Just a different delivery method.

When something in the above changes, then yes I’ll grab my pitchfork and burn down the town, but we’re not there yet.