Fun Expander 2.2

Hi @kenickie
I’m glad you like my little tool!
With the Handy you don’t need this two sections.

‘Min. Interval length’ was created for the Launch where the interval between two bluetooth commands has to be bigger than something around 150ms. This section can spread the points in the funscript to the given value.

‘Max. Interval length’ was created for the Kiiroo Onyx 2 where the maximum intervall between two commands has to be smaller than 800ms. This function adds points to the funscript to prevent gaps bigger than the given value.

And if you are still using version 2.2, I recommend you to update to version 2.5.1

Hello @HeelsLover69
Thank you for your quick response. I actually have the latest version but it seems i wrote on a very old post. Sorry for that.
So, if i may bother you some more, one last question:

  • I mostly use “expand the fun” section of the program. From what i understand, 500mm/s suits the launch. What do you think would be the top speed limit for the handy?

Thanks again for helping me out and for all your contribution to the community.

That doesn’t matter with the handy either. It automatically shortens the stroke length if the speed goes too high. I have set this value to 2000mm/s. This way it has no influence on the script.

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