Meta Quest 3 or SyncBot?

Ignorance is truly bliss


Whenever I use the syncbot I notice I need to use a ton of lube so the spinning part doesn’t cause too much friction sensation. I’ve never felt harmed by the machine, but the spinning can get intense at times. Mainly, my issue is all the lube eventually drains out of the unit down through the entrance. Am I doing something wrong here? Haha. I mean, I hear you guys talking about using the device hands free and everything and I’m kind of baffled how you manage it, let alone without getting lube everywhere. Please, explain because that sounds like something I want to try!

…for with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief…

Turn the rotation down a bit, you have to think of it like an engine, the higher the RPM the more lubrication(or thicker) that is needed for it to be smooth.

I’m still trying to find a good midpoint for the lube situation, what I’ve been doing is using a thicker lube and watering it down a little bit. The upside is the thicker lube sticks in the upper spinning portion for longer (less friction), and it doesn’t leak down as much. The downside is the thicker lube takes a little more cleaning to get out and if you use too much it dulls the sensation. The tricky part is you want it to not be too thin where its leaking everywhere (causing friction), and you feel like you are having sex in a canoe. Or not too thick to where you don’t feel the sensation. The lube they provide is really good actually, just a little on the thin side for me.

tl;dr: I’m about to order a ton of lube from Japan and figure out what I like most. Experiment with different lube, it really changes the feeling.

For me at least, sitting position, knees bent, I lean it against my thighs and let it do its thing. I also put an oppai toy over the bottom of the device to limit the movement of it. I also own a meiki plush which the syncbot fits inside of entirely, but I prefer the sitting method. (I really need to write my syncbot review soon)

Just depends on your setup and the type of lube that you use. I use it in VR and never touch the device, but I don’t know if you want to get down to the exact nature of my setups. Space/Location/Lube/Preference all determine just how well it can all go.

Hi Nazdravia, sorry for the late reply, I’ve just seen this post.

I suggest that you to buy a Quest 3 .That’s because we have free Syncbot for good scripters.
It seems that you are trying to start to make your first script How difficult is it to make your own funscripts today? If you really posted about 40—60 good free scripts for the community, we would give you a Syncbot for free. If you wanna be a scripter, be a scripter. It is a tough work indeed, but with so much fun.

We wish you to have both. Now they can be together, it is really good.

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Where is your address,Sir? We can ship for scripters

That’s super generous while at the same helping to develop a stable of scripters and/or catalog of scripts that will make the Syncbot experience even better for users.

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That’s an appropriate username to be making a claim like that.

Right? These guys shill like @doublevr on steroids - and about as reasonable when you call them out on it.

Well, my name is derived from the DC Character Grifter and has been my online name for gaming since 2004. Talk any nonsense you want, doesn’t change a single thing. At the end of the day, you are the one that is missing out and not me.

Good scripts is really worthy, and free scripts could be for everyone. If a scripter with dozens of good free scripts ask syncbot from us, we always say yes :yum:


I have a Handy, Quest 2, and a Syncbot. I’m not sure how long I’ve had the Syncbot now. Certainly it’s been more than a month. I’ve used the Syncbot twice. After the first time I used it, I immediately wished that I had purchased a Quest 3 instead. I did not want to use it a second time, but I felt obligated to give it a second chance. I feel like I should try it a third time, but that’s time I could be using my Handy, and I like my Handy. It goes up and down. Up and down, aka in and out, is important to me. I also now have a grippy, stretchy strap that allows me to use any sleeve I want including sleeves that have a hard plastic case.

I wish it wasn’t so, but I really, really, really wish I had purchased a Quest 3.


Im about to get the Q3; but i want to be able to use the library i have in storage as well as SLR. How hard is it to get local vids and scripts to work with it and the handy? I would like to know so i can decide between the 128GB or 512. Thanks!

The Quest 3/VR and Handy are incredible. My suggestion would be to get VR first and combine with Handy. There is too much shilling going on with Syncbot and the fact you have to use their software AND hardware doesn’t sit right with me.

Someone should see exactly what Syncplayer is actually doing while installed on people’s home PC. Who knows what data is being sent where.

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Dude, you try so hard and aggressively to praise Syncbot and bash the handy that you make Syncbot seem like a scam lol. Jesus


Dude, cool.

I know what im getting

Thanks for reaching out but unfortunately I’m not a scripter. I tried ordering the syncbot but had to get refunded since theres no guarantee from your courier that it’ll ship to my location.

You need thicker lube if you’re having this issue. The thinner stuff doesn’t work well for the Syncbot. I recommend FavWater.