Price Cuts for New Orders || Sex Robots for sale || OSR2, SR6 and the SSR1 Beta || Best VR Experience

I offer warranty.

Free shipping on orders with OSR2 or SR6.

If you are located in the US you will save money shopping with me. There will be no customs duties or import taxes. Feel good supporting a US based business. I will beat other prices. Competitor store link required for price match.

If you ever wanted a device where you can feel the girl grind or pound down on you this is the best on the market right now. This device has a stroke length that is unrivaled at fast and slow paces. Compatible with the FL case with 3D printed adapters for open and closed ended ona holes. Many options including warming lubing and suction.

I am offering my services in printing, programming, and assembling the SR Series. The SR Series is more capable than the other options currently available on the market. I have been using my OSR2+ for ~3.5 years now. It works with 2D, VR, and VaM (Virt-A-Mate) Not to mention the aforementioned upgrade options available.

The SR series is open-sourced and is designed by Tempest MAx
There is a great support community available on Discord should you support the Patreon. I recommend you check it out and support TempestMAx. This means that the design will be improved upon over time and is simple enough to repair/upgrade. I have had some sad experiences with the other strokers on the market myself. The Launch had issues with Bluetooth connection mostly once out of warranty. I have since printed/supplied the SR series and parts needed for assembly to over 1000 satisfied customers.

Happy Fapping!

On the topic of fapping content, here are some content creators to check out and support.

OSR2 2 Axis Stroker: Up and down and Rolls left and right

OSR2+ 3 Axis Stroker: Extra servo adding an addition axis. Forward and Backwards pitch motion. See image below for reference.

Here is a Visual of the [OSR2+]


0SR6: Six directions of movement and the most recent sex robot from TempestMAx

Here is a visual of the SR6 With a Twist.

Here is a visual of the directions the SR6 can move across.

Custom colors are available.

Upgrades Available

Modular heated case, info here.

T-Wist: By far one of the best upgrades. Twists the receiver with the action. <3

T-Valve Suction on up-stroke. Info here.

Fan Lid for OSR2 Definitely recommended for use with the upgraded servos or even if you go for long sessions. Fan lid is now included in all models.

If you see a model or upgrade from TempestMAx not listed here that you are interested in DM me.

Tempest has requested that parts that are 3 months or newer only be made available to his patrons. Link above.

You can DM me for more info, as well as any special asks you might have.

All orders include:

Programmed, assembled, and ready to use OSR2 / OSR2+ / OSR6

Shipping is chosen at checkout.

Accepting all major credit cards, PayPal, and now ShopPay installments.

Items that must be purchased to finish set up and begin use include:
Fleshlight or other sleeve (~$70) I also sell adapters for other sleeves.

JoyFunPlayer (JFP). JoyFunPlayer 4.0 - OSR (TCode) Player

Arduino IDE (Helpful in case you need to update the T-Code on the Romeo(Main Board)

Driver required for “CP2102 USB to UART Bridge

You can download the driver here: CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers - Silicon Labs

(Because I have Windows 10, I selected “CP210x Universal Windows Driver”; for older Windows versions it’d be “CP210x Windows Drivers”)

Old Topic :Old sales post


its interesting but i really dont get it

Thank you, getting video content created and hosted somewhere has been a bit of a pain point. I hope to get some visuals posted here in the near future to provide some clarity.

This is great for OSR visualization.


brah that looks great

you gonna consider the SSR1 once its more developed?

Short answer: yes.

Long answer: I have all the parts on hand and I am building it for about 30 minutes a day currently .I have a lot of orders to complete on top of day to day life. Once I have build the my first SSR1 I will be posting about it and will be taking orders. In fact the SSR1 is available in my shop for those wanted to help get it tested. It is still in alpha, most are waiting for beta to purchase. I encourage those who are interested to order it so feedback can be provided to the creator. That way he can work on the beta release based on that feedback. When the beta is released it may or may not have different hardware and most likely different plastics.

Price reduction on OSR2 and OSR2+ With a Twist


Does the code not work for international? :frowning:
Also is there an option to buy it with the upgraded servos? i dont know how much they impact the device but i think its about speed? If that is the case i would love to have the max speed possible but i have no idea how to install them myself. Refering to the osr2 with a twist sale. If i have to buy them seperately and then install it myself i prob wouldnt be able too. Awesome that you are making and selling these btw big shout out.


I was debating wich person i should buy from but i think the added addon’s you provide seem very nice and helpfull so i probably am leaning towards your shop, perhaps a different shipping might be nice too as 77 euro for shipping seems rather big (just to give some feedback on that). Ofcourse id rather have the package taken care of with care but still. So yea, if its possible to get as much speed as possible etc then im sold. <3

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I will drum up an invoice and send it over to you and see if we can get that shipping down.

Any one else with shipping over $50 reach out to me in the mean time while I am getting that sorted in my shipping profile.

@Enemalover Dmed to get details needed to send invoice.

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Thanks!, i responded to you in a dm! <3

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Price reduction on Heated Mod Case

Double Walled case without heater 25$

Double Walled case with heater 70$

Now introducing premium installment payment options. Pay back on a timeframe that meets your needs with shop pay. Only available in the United States.

Bi-weekly installments for 6 weeks at 0% APR

Monthly installments for 6 months at 0% APR

Monthly installments for 6-24 months at 10-36% APR

that will definitely bring more people to buy most people will not drop a large some of money on a thing all at once

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I have a question for using SR6… it seems like… many, scripts that i play with multi fun player… have REALLY awkward positioning… Like… If i watch it move, it matches the videos… the problem is… the bottom points VERY CLOSE, or INTO the servo box… (so the male’s hip would be where the servo box is) Is there a way to offset the axis or something? I’m probably missing something obvious

Hopefully someone has a better answer but my quick fix was to dial in the various output range settings to keep the device safe from itself.
Output ranges

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Damn it, I wish this was available in the U.K

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DMed to work on this.

I ship to the UK.

Internationally to many locations actually.

Also, DMed