Syncbot AI Masturbator integration with Manual Script. Free Syncbot Give Away for Eroscript!

Anyone in the US (California) able to place an order? I can add everything to my cart, but when entering my address it says there are no shipping options available.

We are delighted to announce the winner of the first round of our giveaway: @Szkieletor. His prize was dispatched in late August.

For the second round, we are pleased to inform you that @stockdoodle emerged as the winner. We’ve been in touch with him via email and will be shipping out his prize within the next few days.

Thank you for participating in our giveaway. We appreciate your support! :slight_smile:


Just saying you should handle giveaways better, otherwise it gives off the wrong impression.

You said the giveaway as being exclusive to this community, but the giveaway link: is the same one you have used for giveaways on reddit.

I also don’t recall the giveaway link asking for a eroscript username. Do you just ask them in email and if they said they didn’t have one, would you tell them oops sorry you didn’t win, because the reddit giveaways don’t say you have to be on this site? I don’t see any mention for a second round, so I’m guessing you mainly pulled from the first giveaway entries. Is the giveaway an ongoing thing with the chance to win the package or coupon?

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Yes you are right sir. They are unclear. There were 2 rounds of giveaway. One after another, and they are all finished. Thank you for reminding us. We will do better.

So I keep reading that there is no vr headset support for this yet. I’m curious though, if it can already sync thru pornhub, what stops someone from simply accessing pornhub on a vr headset, such as a quest 2, and linking the syncbot to the headset thru bluetooth. Is that where the issue currently lies? Is there an option currently or in the works to be able to load syncplayer onto a quest 2 or other headset?

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VR would come sonn


damn! I was on vacation! Too bad, I would have loved to start scripting with this device :slight_smile:

Hey, anyone know how to update the syncplayer?

If you installed from the syncplayer device you have a version that cannot be upgraded(which is what I did). You have to download from the email they send you or discord PM. After that make sure you have some kind of zip program or install won’t work(what I also did). Once unzipped install and the player will still not be the most updated. However, in the options menu (little cog icon) you can now search for updates and install from syncplayer itself. Hope this helps.


Were there any kind of update

Saw the black friday deal but then…

“There is no shipping rate available for this order and destination.” Do you have a timeline for when this will ship to Canada?

Any idea when the scabbards will be in stock to buy separately?

It is ready now

Any news on shipping to Canada?

looks really interesting, hopefully i get one :smile:

Is there going to be any kind of update to the durability of the device? I’ve heard some horror stories as of late. Trying to justify this over the SR6 (which costs less with 6 axis and heating) is a bit insane given the ease of repairing that device yourself.


Wow, that does sound shilly.

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And another obvious shill, joins to post this and last post was 3 days later, all posts shilling for syncbot.

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I have noticed a number of their bot accounts interspersed in other threads talking postiviely about the syncbot. Welcome to a very tricky new age of marketing. I do think if you get a recently built one they last a long time. Ive been really giving mine some intense use, hours at a time where it feels like its got to overhead soon but it doesnt. I think for the size of the enthusiast market currently they have to charge what they do. They may be able to reduce costs and therefore price in future releases. I will say they sent me a new review version immediately when they heard about the fire, which was dope because it was depressing as hell to lose $2000 in sex toys alone.

But guys, I got a great BJ like a week ago and I filmed 2 minutes of it then scripted it and then had the syncbot play it a few days later… I laughed at how it felt nearly identical. Whdn you get this thing dialed in its very hard to go back to the Handy.

I give the syncbot 9 burnt dicks out of 10. Use caution, extra lube and a towel under. Dont push too hard or let it suck you all the way in if you’re over 6 inches. Ow.

I have never considered myself a gooner but what I have been doing with this thing seems to be without any other term. I will say I find it harder to finish than with the Handy and sometimes I struggle to find a script that will get me over the hill. At the same time I have been able to enjoy longer form content on the syncbot as I’m not just trying to get there or being forced to orgasm as much as I am really enjoying the moment on Syncbot most of the time.

In the end its worth every penny for a well built one if you consider what man would really pay for unlimited realistic blowjobs.
Some people would’ve bought this thing in a heartbeat for like $10,000 even 5-10 years ago. I think we sometimes take for granted this sci-fi future that’s sprung up after covid when considering the perceived value of an enthsiast device.

It has definitely given me the best orgasms of my life. Even a medicore frustrating finish from the Syncbot is up there with the best feelings I’ve ever had from my beloved Handy, which btw worked like a British Centurion for years without issue before becoming a moten pile of plastic slag due to no fault of its own. Handy devteam didn’t replace my 3 year old Handy. I didnt think they would but… I felt like asking. They did give me a solid discount on a new one.

I’ve also just purchased a FunSR1 and it will arrive in a week or two. I’m very interested in the next-gen accuracy and power of the gimbal motor in that device. It also seems like an inexpensive step up from the Handy and that interests me.

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I don’t think we should accept deceptive practices like shills and bots as ‘the reality of modern marketing.’ That’s the death of peer-to-peer and open community interaction.

Even without that, I just can’t see the relevance of a closed platform these days and one with no VR support to boot. The future is open locally hosted and fully immersive virtual sex with not just the strokes but the content itself real time generated on demand with AI powered actors/actresses. There is a ton of money to be made on the way there but not by con artists selling artificial scarcity and trying to own it all.