Testyman - Flash Games - User Requested Games Index

No longer accepting direct requests from this thread, please use Script Requests
in the future.

:information_source: Details

Using the nice flash tool created by notSafeforDev (can be found here). this maps a funscript to each games’ animations.

I made this thread to support random flashes that I scripted either by user request or boredom. Since they’ll generally short, I’ll just shove them all in here. Not everything here to be super quality as some of the flashes I decided to script are of poor quality.

Contains the following:
MrPenning - Nami
FamousToonFacials - Sakura Anal
HentaiKey - Ino Game
Sawatex - Kasumi Feel the Flash (only 60-ish%)
Zone(?) - Hacked Sakura Game
Zone - Midna (Missing most cum animations due to unavoidble .swf resizing issue)
Zone - Sakaki
Isotonix - Tomo-chan Dress up (very low quality)
Kajiro - Tifa
Kajiro - Angel Mois
FateLogic - MSA Rainbow
Nicobay - Pokemon Furry Game
Rock Candy - Spectacular Spectro
Terraraptor - Pokemon Off-White (game itself is incomplete)
Nekonell - Kirlia Game

Made for theHandy

:memo: Install Instructions

Consider using initiface as it handles very fast animations far better.

Install Instructions:

  1. Download the Flash Toy Sync tool .zip from notSafeforDev’s repo, preferably the latest version/beta version.
  2. Download the game and json from the mega folder below.
  3. Place matching json and game files in the animations-as* folder. It should look like this as an example:

    Ensure that the game.swf and game.json files are not in a subfolder/subdirectory
  4. Run Flash-toy-sync-as*.exe and select the game.swf in question
  5. Ensure that your Handy is in Wifi mode and that the connection key is entered into the program

For standalone:
Download folder in question, then run the flash-toy-sync as2/as3 to run.

:file_folder: Script

Full repo of what I have left, it should have the tools but you’ll need to install initface

:clock12: Other

For the naruto-sakura-anal game, use the wifi mode of handy, it times out the initface from what I’ve tested. The naruto-sakura game has the most problems that I can’t seem to fix as the .swf itself is not great.

Have a request? Note that a download link is preferred.

The Kasumi Feel-the-flash game straight up crashes if you try to hook anything to the reverse positions (as well as trying to pause the animation), meaning that some things couldn’t be supported.

The Midna game resizes randomly for some inscrutable reason during most cum animations, making it infeasible to script.

Edit1: Fixed some of the issues that the sakura game has, the rest seem to be just the game.
Edit2: Adding incomplete Kasumi game, added hacked sakura game from user request.
Edit3: Added Midna, Sakaki, Tomo, Tifa, and Angel Mois Game
Edit4: Added pokemon furry game
Edit5: Added Rock Candy Ghost Game
Edit6: Added another pokemon furry game (game itself is incomplete afaik)
Edit7: Added another pokemon furry game


Naruto Hentai Sex: Naruto Hentai Sex - Free Sex Games

Yamanaka’s Heat: Yamanaka’s Heat - Free Sex Games

These two should be scripted and in the mega link. It’s worth noting that the swf I got from the website has some freezing issues during actual play, so the handy is going to be acting as if its not freezing.


Awesome! Thanks!

NICE!!! Any chance you can script these?



Both games should be added. The Kasumi feel-the-flash is only somewhat scripted as the game crashes in several moments that prevent scripting. The entire reverse position (aka butt-facing position) is not supported as it crashes the tool.

I highly recommend using the initiface tool as you’ll experience animation freezes with the wifi connection.

Please note that a download link is recommended/required for requests, I can’t download games from CDG.


Holy shit thanks! You’re a god!!!
I’ll try using initface one more time since I figured out I can switch the handy into Bluetooth mode. Is that how you connected your handy with initface? If not can you please explain how you connect your handy to initdace step by step, that would really help me so much!

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If you’re still taking requests, this is a good one too.

Biocock Intimate: Biocock Intimate - Free Sex Games


Follow the instructions provided by the developer here. I’d highly recommend making sure your firmware is up to date.

Unfortunately, the game’s scene advance and the flash-sync tool’s scripting buttons are the same, so it’s not feasible to do.


No worries. Thanks anyway!

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Absolutely doing the fap god’s work here! Especially the JSK ones and now zone-archive stuff!

My only requests if possible.


You can also use the left and right arrow key for stepping frames, so you should be able to do the bishock animation, as I think it just uses the A key for advancing.


The one Flash I really want to see is the Midna x Link/Wolf Link one that has the “secret scenes”. Was by far my favourite flash back in the day.


Me too!

Currently it’s quite finicky to script due to the animated particles that comes from the mouse cursor. This is because the way scripting works in Flash-toy-sync, is that you place trackers using the mouse which attaches to different moving parts in the animation. Since there are the particles at the cursor, the trackers automatically attaches to those instead of the the body parts underneath.

There is an additional thing I could add to the UI that could let you filter out different different parts of the animation so that you can’t attach any trackers to them. However, given that this is the only animation I have seen that has a mouse cursor with animated particles, I’m considering just adding something temporary so that I can script that animation myself.

I’ll actually see if I can do that soon, as I have been meaning to do it for quite some time now.

Fun fact, I even “ported” the wolf parts to be playable on an old Sony Ericsson phone back in the day.

I got it wrong, it was the reverse scene button that Flash-sync and the game share (the R button). I’ll see about the other user requests in a bit.

Added Sakaki game to the Mega. As for the tomo-chan game, I’m not going to lie its pretty bad as there’s a speed issue and an animation conflict issue (animations happening at the same time), but it should be set to follow the vaginal option, but its bad. It should be equally usable between init or wifi, but I’d test your preferences.

Added the Midna/Link game, but it has issues. During cum animations (except oral), the swf suddenly zooms and resizes, it makes scripting those portions generally difficult, this happens in the tool only. Otherwise, all animations should be set correctly (including the hidden scene). I’ve seen similar performance between wifi and init, so try your preference.


malwarebytes keeps quarantining the a2-a3 flashplayer files as a heurestic

Put the files in their own folder and add that file to your Allow List in MB.

SAME a timeless classic!

Added some old Kajiro flashes (Tifa and Angel Mois), I think I’ve gotten most of the old flashes from back in the day that come to mind that are shorter that fit in this thread (at least on hflash)



Added MSA Rainbow to the mega above, it should be in the animations-as3 folder. I’ve done some relatively limited testing, but sex scenes should be animated. The “switch between animations” animation is not scripted due to some issues, but it can be if needed.

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