Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

Mad props for the trailer Park boys reference!

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Iwara forums or allthefallen.moe forums, maybe?

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I knew that eventually this day would come, just not so fast, who knows if i will be able to post the scripts i wanted to post before the deadline?

I will probably make a thread and edit it until the ban finally comes.

I’m not the person that consumes the most sane ficticious content out there, and while it’s ficition i do understand the lack of appeal and rage due to it, i’m not one of those persons that believes that art and realitiy can be separated completely but i do believe one can live a sane life being involved unhinged fictional content like for example ShindoL.

Sadly the western world is just not fond of lolisho content in general, while i did belive this site was more of a jack of all trades seems like it wont be the case anymore, and more after payment procesors issue this rules, probably the general public world will be almost totally cleaned of this content in the future.

Rip all scripts.

I will probably be making a thread on ATFallen for those who know.

I personally would not mind if loli/shota was banned from this site. If one wants that kind of content, one can always find it elsewhere. No great loss for me.

True this just mean that eventually all piracy will be banned too, and what would be the point in using this site ?

OtterSpace @ 1.62%

I made sizable mark after all :eyes:

If anyone’s interested in reasons why someone might think people should avoid indulging in fictional representation of unethical sex acts, I would recommend this video

Duchess Celestia video about loli/shota is a good video on the reasons this content can hurt people, however still the wolrd isn’t perfect and grey, there is people with normals life consuming or that had consumed this content, however bad actor will always exist, and the mind can’t really be policed.


Thanks and its about time. I love this site but cannot stand that crap and makes me sick seeing that stuff here.


its a fictional drawing relax


This looks to be getting away from the original site decision which was already stated wasn’t about personal taste, but about risk mitigation: Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline - #66 by hugecat

For current scripters that have content tagged in these categories, put together an archive of what you have on here that falls under it, and I can set you up with an account for HMV Mania forums.

If the content isn’t going to be here, that decision can be respected with an alternative place/path forward.

i do wish hmv mania had a tagging system

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Please keep the discussion on topic.

To reiterate - the ban is due to legal concerns, not to gain the moral high ground of sorts.


Exactly, it’s one thing saying “Okay, yeah, I understand why it has to be done” (God knows I’ve been having a long conflict with compliance like on SLR)

But I’m seeing people high fiving and pretty much salivating at the idea of FINALLY getting rid of a genre of content they feel “yucky” and acting like they’re paragons of morality because they find said genre “yucky”

Bro, what the f…

Okay, no, seriously. This is to be the hardest cop out and most disingenuous answer I’ve got here yet.


Yeah, I “get” why ES has to do it but I’m not happy at the censorship and at seeing people’s masks fall off. I thought everyone here was enough of a degenerate to undestand the whole canary in a coal mine thing.

Alright, alright. I’ll stop pouring oil on the fire and replying here. Clearly it’s just puritans (on a porn forum :thinking:) having a victory lap at this point.


On that note, from the poll topic (VOTE to show your opinion on Loli/Shota Ban) is already showing that a clear majority of people prefer the ban on content over the site going bye bye. (despite not liking the ban) Although some are saying they’re going to leave and some also to want the criteria to be changed/clearer, most seem are fine with how it is right now.

That’s my guess interpretation of the results so far as can easily change.

Would it not be better to just require scripts under these tags to not post links/previews? I mean aren’t funscripts just fancy csv files? Would be kind of a waste to outright delete them if they themselves don’t have material that would cause alarm.

If the titles are a concern, wouldn’t just “[artist name] - (character name if there is one) - (date of release)” work?


I’ve voiced support for LO content before, and I still do, but I also understand and respect the decision of the team.
If getting rid of LO is to secure the future of this site, then that is how it’s gotta be…

Even if the site were to be hosted in a place where LO is 100% halal, there could still be risks for users who live where LO is haram. Of course one can blame that on their own brazenness, but I doubt the ES team would sleep soundly knowing that one of our community is in trouble because of the site.

What we need to do now I to figure out an alternative for such content instead of uselessly fighting a decision that was made after endless internal debates.
I would suggest an existing forum that is ok with LO. Maybe one with Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms?
If there isn’t an alternative then it is for someone of us to put their money where their mouth is and start hosting their own site. Easier said than done, but I am sure some of you are foolhardy enough to try it out.


Ban is due to site risk of it existing/linked to the site so hiding media would do nothing to negate the risk.

But there wouldn’t be anything linked on this site. What would be the rationale there? That the thread acknowledges that stuff exists? I assume this thread we’re in won’t be wiped on the same grounds.

Comparing this to acting is disingenuous. Acting out something illegal/immoral is done with consent of actors. Underage persons can’t give consent for this type of content.

The ban is for prepubescent depictions, so actors who are able to consent, and any depictions of such (that are “not real” because they are cartoons, but are still depicting a man or a woman, not a child, in a context only consenting persons should be depicted in) are not affected.

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I believe it’s following the rational of that it’s best to just outright say nope instead of go halfway and then have to go outright nope later down the line or not even have the chance to do so. Similar to why torrent stuff is just outright nope.
I’m guessing though as I’m just a user like yourself saying my interpretation on what I’ve understood that’s been said along with past policy stuff.

That’s stupid and makes no sense. What if an actor is acting as a underage person? There’s literally JAV videos on this website with adult women acting as loli characters. No one in a cartoon can give consent. They don’t exist.


Did you refer CP content to yucky? Seriously Rianabi. Please find a different hill to die on. Stop defending and arguing that children being sexualized should be okay in any art form.


Grown ups are allowed to act, it is freedom of expression. They can do that. I dont see how is that an argument.

Maybe I am ignorant because I never looked into the content, but I am pretty sure that healthy and consenting grown ups can’t ever successfully depict a prepubescent child, their acting can only pass as “underage woman” or “underage man” and not a child. This new rule seems to be fully in line with that (with “prepubescent” definition). It is not stupid and makes sense, acting is also not real, so nothing is real but it depicts something real.

In the end, people responsible for the site decided how to run it. I only care about it if I will share scripts I create here, and I like the change since more people who were not comfortable with being here before might do the same and contribute something too.

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Debating morality does not change the legal status. At least not debating here.
If you feel strongly about this then go out and vote or run for office.

I’ll reiterate what I said before: Now is the time to look for alternatives rather than bemoan the team’s decision.