Setaria the Demon Realm - device integration

I’m able to connect my Handy to Setaria Player without needing intiface. What device are you using?

Nightmare mode update
Probably my last one, I don’t see a reason to change anything else unless someone finds a bug.

Every chest reward in the game has been tripled to help progression (except medals).
I removed the quicker coin expiration time since it was just too mean sometimes (still scatters).
The randomizer for inescapable animation length before climaxing was changed to simple formula to average out the duration and the potential maximum duration has been increased, now you’ll really feel the stronger monsters that hold onto you for longer.
Altered a few scripts and removed the slime birth script since it uses the fire_lazer trigger anyway.
Added more barriers to the path to trap you with the alraune before progressing to level 2 since I was still able to speedrun through it. (You need some upgrades now, fight the alraunes they drop a lot of money)
Roper slug on the 3rd level has their randomized search range minimum lowered and the swipe ability isn’t as huge as before.

Mega files are updated (all you really need is and rec.funscript)


There’s a bug. After the slime birth animation the device interaction doesn’t work at all unless the player is restarted. It just stops sending commands to the handy.

Not sure if it’s related to the hardmode or the original integration mode.

Edit: any kind of cutscene breaks the integration: at least one happening when pleasure is exceeded on reload also breaks it.

Strange, those issues don’t happen on my handy. I know that my version of slime birth and pleasure overload both work by spamming triggers. Maybe that’s a reason. Could you try those things on an unmodded version?

Tripple checked: unmodded version works fine. But modded stops sending commands after slime burrowing animation or reload-triggered heart loss animation. During that state the Setaria player correctly shows “Playing scene” when assaulted at the bottom of the window, but no commands are sent. Also the player consumes 100% of a cpu core constantly after that. I can hear the funs spinning up after the animation has been played.

Okay that definitely sounds like the trigger spamming is causing the issue. From memory I can recall using spam triggers for slimed, slime birth, pleasure overload, and all zone effects like the shrine, deathroom, and cyclops. There might be others.

I’ve made an experimental test hotfix to limit the amount of commands sent for pleasure overload and the slime sequence ONLY. Could you test it out for me and let me know what happens? If it works like I hope I’ll change every other spam trigger too.

(Not an official update)

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Yep, with that patch slime birth animation doesn’t disable the device integration. The pleasure overload also works.
However, while the slime is inside there’s a quite slow movement, so maybe you’ve rate-limited it too much.

Thank you for your work!

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Awesome! I updated the mega with another version that spams a little quicker. Does that also work?

Slime inside spams the fire trigger, if you’re shooting you won’t notice (maybe that’s why?) but be careful in combat since they can leave you overloaded pretty easily.

The new version also works great. But the trigger spam is still slower even than the shooting. The slime birth animation looks like it should be way more intense, but that’s nitpicking.

I think it’s safe to assume that all other trigger spams need to be updated too.

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That’s strange, for me the first iteration was the same as shooting speed. It doesn’t get faster for me but I’ll lower the limiter again. If the speed isn’t similar then I would expect the other trigger spams and zone effects are also slower on your device which would make several sections wimpy.

I updated the experimental mega again with two new versions, both with lower limiters.
We started with 1 trigger every 30 steps, then 20. I built two new data.wins, one with 10 and the other with 5.

I doubt the 5 step version won’t cause problems but if it doesn’t then hopefully we get that speed to match.

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You’re doing god’s work out here! I’ve had the same issue but with an enemy in the third area. The script that plays when you reach full contamination is exactly as described, no action from the Handy for me until the cum script plays. It’s the weird… flesh mass…? enemy that shoots an arc of purple pellets and fucks the character with a blue tentacle for reference. Here’s hoping that the fix works for that one as well. Personally, I didn’t have any problem with any other animation.

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How the hell do you get past the wall of flesh thing? I just get stuck in a loop where I overload and then again before i can get back up. I can get a few steps away but the H meter just fills up over and over before I can get to the other side.

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Have you found any of the health expansions? That might have something to do with it. Hope this helps!


I have all the ones I can get up to this point, i think the hardcore may be overdoing it a little. I have tried about 50 times and I can’t even get half way’s not that I get out of health, I get essentially stun locked and the thing catches up to me.

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Odd, I didn’t experience that issue when I played. This might sound stupid but have you tried jumping as you went? It might throw off the tracking of the enemy. Other than that I’d have to replay the section in order to be of any help, I’m afraid.

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I can lower the ball amount if its not fun. Personally I found it easiest standing around the opposite side and trying to kite the balls that you can see, still bullshit but possible. Definitely want as many damage upgrades as you can get. I’ll add it to the next update once I find out a good spam limit to use from user testing.

I tried lots of ways to deal with that part. Perhaps there is a bug but the thing spawns the second that I activate the pedestal. It’s different to the way that it was when I first played. I assume that is part of the mod? I have purchased all the upgrades possible and I have also got all the hearts I can up to that point. If I kill a couple of the enemies I can get ahead but there isn’t enough health for me to get to the next screen.

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Thanks for the update. The on with the 5 steps also triggers the issue, but 10 steps is fine.

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Oh my mistake. Are you talking about this ghost shrine in the early part of the game? The puppet ghost with the white face still spawns another giant flesh enemy on death which stacks the pleasure damage you take. You’re not supposed to kill them, they don’t hit you at all and they die in one hit. You can make it through the whole section without shooting and just dodging the green and purple enemies.

I’ve officially updated the mod with new trigger limiters and reduced the amount of purple balls the pre-last boss spawns on hit. The trigger limiters also check for pleasure overload so if you overload in a zone effect it shouldn’t go haywire with triggers. (If you’re updating, all you really need is

If anyone finds a bug, let me know.


Aha, I didn’t notice that killing the white faced enemies increased the pleasure modifier, that might have been where I was going wrong, I will try some more tomorrow and let you know how I get on.