Easy Device Integration (EDI) how to integrate your Game NOW!

Let’s clarify what EDI is.
EDI is a .exe application, created in C#, that runs on Windows. It should be executed in conjunction with, or before starting, the game you wish to integrate. EDI performs some main functions:

  1. Connect and control your devices.
  2. Manage and play galleries on the devices.
  3. Receive commands from the game that you want to integrate.

Use Edi NOW!
Download Edi + Mage Kanade Example [Videos]

Full game Working:

Why use Edi?

Edi has unique features that no other integrator or even videoplayer has.

  • Handles all funscripts and plays them on any device
  • Allows multiple variants of funscripts (simple, detailed, slow, intense, etc.)
  • Upload scripts to Handy for detailed or vibrant scripts
  • Multi Device, choose a different Variant for each device
  • straight path of workflow based on division of labor
  • Ability to expand to new devices non-existent devices
  • a SOLID and clean architecture

To integrate a game 3 main tasks must be completed

  • make videos with all the elements of the game with funscript.
  • Mod the game to report when these elements occur in the game via http post to Edi.
  • marks the funscripts with chapters with the names of the elements as they are reported from the game.

How to Integrate a Game with EDI?

Video Compilation

First, you need to create a video compilation with all the game elements you want to react on the device. If you’re lucky, someone might have already created this video, and you can find it on sites like Xvideos or similar.

For example, here are all the scenes from Fallen Angel Mariele, where each scene is an element to play on the device:

If this video isn’t available, you can use Streamlabs OBS to record the screen, which is a free software. Then, go through the game gallery or record yourself playing until you gather all the elements. It’s advisable to merge or cut the videos into manageable sizes, for example, one video per level or per enemy, or a single long video with all the elements. This video will serve as the foundation of the integration.

Galleries Definition

You have to define the galleries on this video. A gallery is an item to be reported from the game that corresponds to a segment in the compiled video.
From the game, we will send commands like “play gallery {name}”, and EDI will take the segment of the corresponding funscript and play it on the connected devices.

You can Use OFS To make chapters in the funscript file, you should name these chapters with unique names that are not repeated throughout all the files. paying attention to detecting exactly the first and last frame or when it starts to repeat.

Put all yours scripts in a folder with your GameName inside the Gallery Folder
When you open Edi it will read the funscript names length and chapters if have it and generate a definitions_auto.csv

For example, the definition was as follows:


The names of the galleries are lv2_slime_pisA… B… Eja, and 2-1 is the name of the source video. The funscript file for this video must be named the same…

Once it is complete, you can rename it to definition.csv to be able to modify it so that it is not automatically generated again.

Galleries Funscripts

Next, create the funscripts for these videos. Pay attention to the first and last action of each element when it is played in a loop. The first and last command should finish and start in the same position.

Finally, put the funscripts in a subfolder inside the “Gallery” next to definitions.csv. The folder name is the “variant” of the script. You can have as many variants as you like, for example, “simple”, “Detailed”, “hard”, “easy”, “dildo”, “sleeve”, or any name you want. If the folder is called “vibrator”, that version of the funscript will be automatically chosen when a vibrator is connected. Eventually, there will also be the “EStim” variant containing .mp3 files.

In the end, your setup should look similar to the image below.

Ready for Action

If you’ve done everything correctly, you can now run Edi.exe and start testing the galleries.

With EDI running, enter this URL: http://localhost:5000/swagger/index.html

This will open a page hosted within EDI, where we will connect from the game to execute the commands.

With the play command, you can play the galleries on the device, testing if it works correctly. Anything marked as “loop true” will continue to run over and over until the “Stop” command is issued.

You can also see all the galleries that EDI retrieved from the definition file.

Calling EDI from the Game

How to call EDI from the game depends on the technology the game is built on, the language it is programmed in, and how we are “hacking” or modifying it. Typically, and hopefully, it is a matter of intervening in a couple of key methods:

  • Where the assets are played.
  • The classes that control the character’s sprint.
  • Some method that triggers the galleries.
  • Some pause menu.
  • Room changes.

In any case, when we find the method through which all galleries or a particular type of asset pass, the line we must put will be very similar to this:

httpClient.post($“http://localhost:5000/Edi/Play/{AssetName}” )

In each language, it is written differently, but the basic idea is an HTTP client that makes a call to EDI just like we do from the Swagger website. The URL from EDI is the fixed part, and the variable part should be retrieved from the game, which is the name of the gallery we want to play.

Then we have:

Make a Client in C#

using System.Net.Http;
static HttpClient HttpClient = new HttpClient();

var euri = new Uri(“http://localhost:5000/Edi/”);
HttpClient.BaseAddress = euri;

RunSafely(async () => await HttpClient.PostAsync(“Play/” + name + “?seek=0”, null));//, ct.Token));
RunSafely(async () => await HttpClient.PostAsync(“Stop”, null));
RunSafely(async () => await HttpClient.PostAsync(“Pause”, null));

var resp = HttpClient.GetAsync(“Definitions”).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
var defs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable>(resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult());

Make a Client in JS

const baseUrl = 'http://localhost:5000';

function httpRequest(method, url, headers = {}) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhr.open(method, `${baseUrl}${url}`);
        xhr.onload = () => {
            if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) {
                try {
                    // Intenta deserializar el JSON si la respuesta no está vacía
                    const responseJson = xhr.responseText ? JSON.parse(xhr.responseText) : {};
                } catch (error) {
            } else {
        xhr.onerror = () => reject(xhr.statusText);

        // Configuraciones por defecto y específicas
        xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'); // Esperamos JSON
        for (const key in headers) {
            xhr.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]);


const EdiClient = {
    Play(galleryName, seek) {
        httpRequest('POST', `/Edi/Play/${galleryName}?seek=${+seek}`);
    Stop() {
        httpRequest('POST', `/Edi/Stop`);
    Pause() {
        httpRequest('POST', `/Edi/Pause`);
    Resume(atCurrentTime) {
        httpRequest('POST', `/Edi/Resume?atCurrentTime=${!!atCurrentTime}`);
    Definitions() {
        // Retorna una promesa con el JSON deserializado
        return httpRequest('GET', `/Edi/Definitions`);

Each game has its peculiarities. For example, in Fallen Angel, there was only one function through which all enemies would pass, so I had to go through each enemy adding the line and putting the gallery’s name, which was a clever trick.

Mage Kanade Dungeon, the method that executed the galleries also ran a lot of assets. So, what I had to do was retrieve the list of galleries from the game and filter only the items that were in the definitions to avoid cluttering up with HTTP calls.

The list of integrations I am going to leave below are open-source, and they work in a similar way, calling an external service via HTTP. They could even be adapted to work with EDI. So, you can research the already made integrations, see which one is more similar to your game, and which techniques you can apply in your mod.

Other Mods that Work similar:

Vibrator support for 6 action and platformer games

and all funscriptPlayer implementations


quick question for vibration toys specifically the lovense diamo would i have to get the dongle as well or will any bluetooth connection work?

I can’t quite figure out how to get this to connect to Intiface. I’ve got a server running and the address entered in EDI, but nothing seems to be happening. If I hit reload galleries or reconnect, it just dies. Entering in some scenes from the gallery json into the web interface says itis accepted, but nothing happens, and Intiface doesn’t recognize any new clients

Try to make Intiface work with ScriptPlayer. If it works with ScriptPlayer, close it, open Edi, and try if it works that way. In Intiface, it should say that ScriptPlayer is connected, and then, when you open Edi, see if it works.

Okay, looks like my problem was that my Intiface was way out of date. Like so far out of date it’s not even the same program. Updated it and it connected as soon as EDI started up.

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Any recommendations or pointers on how to do the game hacking aspect? Everything is very detailed in how to use EDI, just unsure if there is a specific software that would be good for this type of situation

Hello, unfortunately, hacking or modding a game is a whole different story. I’m a programmer with years of experience, but hacking games is not my area. There isn’t a specific tool for this, as the tool you need depends on the game you want to hack. If it’s made in GameMaker 2, you can open it and see how it works. If it’s made in Unity, I’m not sure. If it’s made in C#, you can decompile it, but honestly, I’m not an expert in that. Maybe you should look for a modding forum, or if you can send me a link to your game, I might be able to give you some tips.

Will EDI be compatible with the new Autoblow Ultra Ai? I know the Autoblow’s developer Will release game Sync in early 2024.

It wouldn’t be bad to send a message to Autoblow asking them to send me one for free for research purposes

They have an open API https://latency.autoblowapi.com/documentation/static/index.html

have a Ultra now and have started playing around with it. Also looking to have a local player/funscript player… maybe integrate into https://github.com/FredTungsten/ScriptPlayer

please if you can get this program (scriptplayer) to work with the ultra let us know, possibly if you can provide a mini guide on how to use the program we would be even more grateful.

Threw together a quick and dirty playground for the Autoblow ULTRA API

Anyone wanna collab to make something out of this?


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If you have an AutoBlowIA and some coding knowledge, I’d love for you to join in integrating this device into the EDI project… Thanks for considering it!

Maybe you could try to get it working with Buttplug. Once it does you can use it with EDI and ScriptPlayer via Intiface.

EDIT: Nevermind, found it through patreon page

I do have an ultra, and coding knowledge. Where is this project/code?

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You should integrate your game… NOW


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Any news about autoblow ultra? I really want to use It with some games.

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hello integration with ultra is working now!!

Need a tutorial to how i can use the ultra via web integration