After writing a few single-axis scripts and wanting to try making my own devices (I’m still gathering money for a 3D printer, as the one I got for free has only 100x100x100 mm print area) it was interesting to try writing multi-axis scripts for interactive masturbators. As for me, just knowing how these scripts play and work on devices can give me a better understanding of how to make them better. Although a great tool like OFS can create multi-axis scripts, I decided to do something alternative for several reasons:
- I definitely don’t like the recording format of real multi-axis scripts (lots of motion and rotation scripts).
- I doubt that it’s mathematically correct to use Euler angles (it’s hard to use interpolation, what order to use when rotating - the result will be different, the presence of the “hinge lock”).
- I didn’t like the toolkit that OFS has (maybe I’m just clumsy).
- There must have been other reasons - can’t remember why
I’ve been using Blender as a program for parametric drawing (similar to AutoCAD, SolidWorks) and for modeling 3D models for printing. Luckily this program can also do a lot of things with video and of course I couldn’t help but try to use it as a script editor.
I’m making scripts only for VR video so far and prepare flat video for scripting with ffmpeg command line:
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vf "crop=in_w/2:in_h:in_w:in_h, v360=input=hequirect:output=flat:pitch=-40:h_fov=100:v_fov=100:w=1024:h=1024, fps=30" output.mp4
- ffmpeg - the utility itself (the full path may look like “C:\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe”)
- video.mp4 - incoming video file in VR format, for example the full path is “D:\VR\VRHush_From_The_Vault_Dani_Daniels_Oculus_HQ_3D_LR_180.mp4”
- crop=in_w/2:in_h:in_w:in_h - trim the video, leave only the left half.
- v360=input=hequirect:output=flat:pitch=-40:h_fov=100:v_fov=100:w=1024:h=1024 - converting video from the half of equirectangular projection with rotation by -40 degrees, angles 100x100 degrees and output resolution 1024x1024 pixels
- fps=30 - number of frames per second
- output.mp4 - outputs the flat video to a file, for example the full path “C:\Temp\VRHush_From_The_Vault_Dani_Daniels_Flat_30.mp4”.
Usually it’s the flat file that I then work with in OFS and create a per-frame script for complex scenes and for simple ones I use MTFG with manual correction of each movement.
Create a multi-axis script.
In Blender you can import our flat video as a sequence of frames:
- add a Empty image
- in the Property area select Object Data Properties to open Image
- in the file selection window select our video made for OFS
- look through the duration of our video in the file properties and specify how many frames we will import using the formula (minutes*60 + seconds)*frame count
- in the Timeline area we also specify the desired number of frames:
- switch to the Y-axis view by clicking on the necessary icon or by pressing the “Numpad 1” key
- rotate our set of pictures by an angle of 90 degrees on the X axis and press the “Space” key to watch the video:
- choose the units of measure we will use for positioning (I’ve set cm)
- let’s create our Fleshlight, which will be in 3D emulate the movements of a real masturbator
- I put the length of 20 cm, the discrimeter of 5 cm (which roughly corresponds to a full-size) and 5 vertices at the base (to understand where its sides), immediately put his beginning was in the center of coordinates (Z 10)
- set the point for calculating movements and rotations to the origin of coordinates (where the 3D cursor is):
- to import our script (which is a JSON file), I made a simple script, for this you can switch one of the areas to the text editor
- insert the python code and run it:
import json
import bpy
funscriptName = "C:\\Temp\\Dani Daniels\\VRHush_From_The_Vault_Dani_Daniels.funscript"
scene = bpy.context.scene
obj =["Cylinder"]
obj_loc = obj.location
with open(funscriptName, "r") as funscriptFile:
funscriptJson = json.load(funscriptFile)
for action in funscriptJson['actions']:
obj.location = (0.0, 0.0, float(action['pos']/1000))
obj.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=round((action['at']/1000)*30))
- and we get all the keyframes from our script in the Timeline area:
The resulting script in step 2 is only Z-axis motions. At a minimum, we need to add X and Y positions for each keyframe, and add rotations around the XYZ axes. And while adding motions and rotations around ready-made points is easier than writing scripts of 2 motions and 3 rotations from “0”, it’s time consuming and time-consuming to do 2-3 times as much as writing one motion axis as usual.
Very often rotations around Z do not correspond to keyframes (start earlier and end later), so such points need to be created separately.
Install python libraries in Blender.
To work correctly, you need to install some python libraries that Blender doesn’t have.
For example, installing the library for working with Xinput gamepads on Windows.
import subprocess
import sys
import os
# path to python.exe
python_exe = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'bin', 'python.exe')
target = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'lib', 'site-packages')
# upgrade pip[python_exe, "-m", "ensurepip"])[python_exe, "-m", "pip", "install", "--upgrade", "pip"])
# install required packages[python_exe, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'XInput-Python', '-t', target])
For each keyframe with the Z-axis you need to set 5 different values.
After spending a few hours on the script, the obvious idea was to use the gamepad’s analog stick and trigger axes for movements and rotations. No sooner said than done, and here is the script:
import bpy
import XInput
import mathutils
import time
import random
obj =["fleshlight"]
reference =["reference"]
camera =["camera"]
area = next(area for area in bpy.context.screen.areas if area.type == 'VIEW_3D')
# button & axis mapping
prev_keyframe_btn = 'A'
next_keyframe_btn = 'B'
prev_frame_btn = 'X'
next_frame_bnt = 'Y'
anim_play_btn = 'START'
anim_cancel_btn = 'BACK'
multi_view_btn = 'RIGHT_THUMB'
Z_rotation_btn = 'LEFT_THUMB'
left_location_btn = 'DPAD_LEFT'
right_location_btn = 'DPAD_RIGHT'
forward_location_btn = 'DPAD_UP'
backward_location_btn = 'DPAD_DOWN'
save_rotation_btn = 'LEFT_SHOULDER'
save_location_btn = 'RIGHT_SHOULDER'
thumb_location = 0
thumb_rotation = 1
prev_keyframe, next_keyframe, prev_frame, next_frame = False, False, False, False
save_location, save_rotation, anim_play, anim_cancel, enable_anim_play = False, False, False, False, False
forward_location, backward_location, left_location, right_location = False, False, False, False
multi_view, enable_multi_view, Z_rotation, enable_Z_rotation = False, False, False, False
class ModalTimerOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Operator which runs itself from a timer"""
bl_idname = "wm.modal_timer_operator"
bl_label = "Modal Timer Operator"
_timer = None
def modal(self, context, event):
global prev_keyframe, next_keyframe, prev_frame, next_frame
global save_location, save_rotation, anim_play, anim_cancel, enable_anim_play
global forward_location, backward_location, left_location, right_location
global multi_view, enable_multi_view, Z_rotation, enable_Z_rotation
if event.type in {'RIGHTMOUSE', 'ESC'}:
return {'CANCELLED'}
obj_pos_x, obj_pos_y, obj_rot_euler_x, obj_rot_euler_y, obj_rot_euler_z = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
if event.type == 'TIMER':
state = XInput.get_state(0)
if XInput.get_button_values(state)[anim_play_btn] and not anim_play and enable_anim_play:
enable_anim_play = False
anim_play = True
if XInput.get_button_values(state)[anim_play_btn] and not anim_play and not enable_anim_play:
bpy.ops.screen.animation_play(reverse=False, sync=False)
enable_anim_play = True
anim_play = True
if not XInput.get_button_values(state)[anim_play_btn] and anim_play:
anim_play = False
if XInput.get_button_values(state)[anim_cancel_btn] and not anim_cancel and enable_anim_play:
enable_anim_play = False
anim_cancel = True
if not XInput.get_button_values(state)[anim_cancel_btn] and anim_cancel:
anim_cancel = False
if XInput.get_button_values(state)[prev_keyframe_btn] and not prev_keyframe:
prev_keyframe = True
if not XInput.get_button_values(state)[prev_keyframe_btn] and prev_keyframe:
prev_keyframe = False
if XInput.get_button_values(state)[next_keyframe_btn] and not next_keyframe:
next_keyframe = True
if not XInput.get_button_values(state)[next_keyframe_btn] and next_keyframe:
next_keyframe = False
if XInput.get_button_values(state)[prev_frame_btn] and not prev_frame:
prev_frame = True
if not XInput.get_button_values(state)[prev_frame_btn] and prev_frame:
prev_frame = False
if XInput.get_button_values(state)[next_frame_bnt] and not next_frame:
next_frame = True
if not XInput.get_button_values(state)[next_frame_bnt] and next_frame:
next_frame = False
if XInput.get_button_values(state)[multi_view_btn] and not multi_view and not enable_multi_view:
area.spaces[0].region_3d.view_perspective = 'CAMERA'
enable_multi_view = True
multi_view = True
if XInput.get_button_values(state)[multi_view_btn] and not multi_view and enable_multi_view:
area.spaces[0].region_3d.view_perspective = 'ORTHO'
enable_multi_view = False
multi_view = True
if not XInput.get_button_values(state)[multi_view_btn] and multi_view:
multi_view = False
if XInput.get_button_values(state)[Z_rotation_btn] and not Z_rotation and enable_Z_rotation:
enable_Z_rotation = False
Z_rotation = True
if XInput.get_button_values(state)[Z_rotation_btn] and not Z_rotation and not enable_Z_rotation:
enable_Z_rotation = True
Z_rotation = True
if not XInput.get_button_values(state)[Z_rotation_btn] and Z_rotation:
Z_rotation = False
if XInput.get_button_values(state)[forward_location_btn] and not forward_location:
obj.location[1] += 0.005
forward_location = True
if not XInput.get_button_values(state)[forward_location_btn] and forward_location:
forward_location = False
if XInput.get_button_values(state)[backward_location_btn] and not backward_location:
obj.location[1] -= 0.005
backward_location = True
if not XInput.get_button_values(state)[backward_location_btn] and backward_location:
backward_location = False
if XInput.get_button_values(state)[left_location_btn] and not left_location:
obj.location[0] -= 0.005
left_location = True
if not XInput.get_button_values(state)[left_location_btn] and left_location:
left_location = False
if XInput.get_button_values(state)[right_location_btn] and not right_location:
obj.location[0] += 0.005
right_location = True
if not XInput.get_button_values(state)[right_location_btn] and right_location:
right_location = False
if XInput.get_thumb_values(state)[thumb_location] and not enable_Z_rotation:
obj_pos_x = XInput.get_thumb_values(state)[thumb_location][0] * obj.location[2]
obj_pos_y = XInput.get_thumb_values(state)[thumb_location][1] * obj.location[2]
if obj_pos_x != 0 or obj_pos_y != 0:
obj.location[0] = obj_pos_x
obj.location[1] = obj_pos_y
if XInput.get_thumb_values(state)[thumb_location] and enable_Z_rotation:
obj_rot_euler_z = XInput.get_thumb_values(state)[thumb_location][0] * 0.8
#obj_rot_euler_y = XInput.get_thumb_values(state)[1][0] * 0.8
if obj_rot_euler_z != 0:
obj.rotation_euler[2] = obj_rot_euler_z
if XInput.get_thumb_values(state)[thumb_rotation]:
obj_rot_euler_x = -XInput.get_thumb_values(state)[thumb_rotation][1] * 0.8
obj_rot_euler_y = XInput.get_thumb_values(state)[thumb_rotation][0] * 0.8
if obj_rot_euler_x != 0 or obj_rot_euler_y != 0:
obj.rotation_euler[0] = obj_rot_euler_x
obj.rotation_euler[1] = obj_rot_euler_y
if XInput.get_button_values(state)[save_rotation_btn] and not save_rotation:
if not enable_Z_rotation:
quat = obj.rotation_euler.to_quaternion()
vect = obj.location.copy()
vect[0], vect[1] = 0.0, 0.0
obj.location[0] = vect[0] + random.uniform(-0.25, 0.25)*0.01
obj.location[1] = vect[1] + random.uniform(-0.25, 0.25)*0.01
save_rotation = True
quat = obj.rotation_euler.to_quaternion()
vect = obj.location.copy()
vect[0], vect[1] = 0.0, 0.0
obj.location[0] = vect[0] + random.uniform(-0.25, 0.25)*0.01
obj.location[1] = vect[1] + random.uniform(-0.25, 0.25)*0.01
save_rotation = True
if not XInput.get_button_values(state)[save_rotation_btn] and save_rotation:
save_rotation = False
if XInput.get_button_values(state)[save_location_btn] and not save_location:
if not enable_Z_rotation:
save_location = True
save_location = True
if not XInput.get_button_values(state)[save_location_btn] and save_location:
save_location = False
return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
def execute(self, context):
wm = context.window_manager
self._timer = wm.event_timer_add(1/30, window=context.window)
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
def cancel(self, context):
wm = context.window_manager
def get_override(area_type, region_type):
for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
if area.type == area_type:
for region in area.regions:
if region.type == region_type:
override = {'area': area, 'region': region}
return override
#error message if the area or region wasn't found
raise RuntimeError("Wasn't able to find", region_type," in area ", area_type,
"\n Make sure it's open while executing script.")
def menu_func(self, context):
self.layout.operator(ModalTimerOperator.bl_idname, text=ModalTimerOperator.bl_label)
def register():
def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__":
(I’ll be finishing up)
I put moves on the left stick, rotations on the right stick, Z rotations on the trigger, keyframe navigation on the ABXY buttons, and a write script on the bumpers.
It looks interesting and the script creation speed has increased:
Script export.
The code itself
import json
import bpy
import math
funscriptName = "VRHush_From_The_Vault_Dani_Daniels"
folder = "C:\\Temp\\"
funscript_orig = folder + funscriptName + ".mono.funscript"
fs_pitch = folder + funscriptName + ".pitch" + ".funscript"
fs_roll = folder + funscriptName + ".roll" + ".funscript"
fs_yaw = folder + funscriptName + ".twist" + ".funscript"
fs_x = folder + funscriptName + ".sway" + ".funscript"
fs_y= folder + funscriptName + ".surge" + ".funscript"
fs_z= folder + funscriptName + ".funscript"
obj =["fleshlight"]
with open(funscript_orig, "r") as funscriptFile:
funscriptJson = json.load(funscriptFile)
fs_orig_inv = funscriptJson['inverted']
fs_orig_metadata = funscriptJson['metadata']
fs_orig_range = funscriptJson['range']
fs_orig_version = funscriptJson['version']
obj_pitch = {"actions":[], "inverted": fs_orig_inv, "metadata": fs_orig_metadata, "range":fs_orig_range, "version":fs_orig_version}
obj_roll = {"actions":[], "inverted": fs_orig_inv, "metadata": fs_orig_metadata, "range":fs_orig_range, "version":fs_orig_version}
obj_yaw = {"actions":[], "inverted": fs_orig_inv, "metadata": fs_orig_metadata, "range":fs_orig_range, "version":fs_orig_version}
obj_x = {"actions":[], "inverted": fs_orig_inv, "metadata": fs_orig_metadata, "range":fs_orig_range, "version":fs_orig_version}
obj_y = {"actions":[], "inverted": fs_orig_inv, "metadata": fs_orig_metadata, "range":fs_orig_range, "version":fs_orig_version}
obj_z = {"actions":[], "inverted": fs_orig_inv, "metadata": fs_orig_metadata, "range":fs_orig_range, "version":fs_orig_version}
#obj_yaw = {"at": , "pos":}
#obj_x = {"at": , "pos":}
#obj_y = {"at": , "pos":}
cur_frame = 0
frames = obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[2]
for kf in frames.keyframe_points:
frame = int([0])
obj_x['actions'].append({"at":int((frame/30)*1000), "pos":round(obj.location[0]*1000)+50})
obj_y['actions'].append({"at":int((frame/30)*1000), "pos":round(obj.location[1]*1000)+50})
obj_z['actions'].append({"at":int((frame/30)*1000), "pos":round(obj.location[2]*1000)})
with open(fs_pitch, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(obj_pitch, fp, separators=(',', ':'))
with open(fs_roll, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(obj_roll, fp, separators=(',', ':'))
with open(fs_yaw, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(obj_yaw, fp, separators=(',', ':'))
with open(fs_x, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(obj_x, fp, separators=(',', ':'))
with open(fs_y, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(obj_y, fp, separators=(',', ':'))
with open(fs_z, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(obj_z, fp, separators=(',', ':'))
Then, when I have free time, I need to put everything in order and make an addon for Blebder.
To be continued…